2. Qualifications and Experience

2. Qualifications and Experience


Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, for the purpose of the salary schedule, Teachers shall be classified according to qualifications and experience as recognized by the Department.


1. Any Teacher who improved their academic or professional qualifications and thereby reaches a higher salary classification shall be paid according to such improved qualifications as provided for in this Agreement.

2. The onus is on the Teacher to give notice to the School Division as soon as possible after such credit has been obtained. In giving notice, the Teacher must offer documentary evidence that the increased qualifications have been registered with, and accepted by the Department. When such evidence has been submitted to the School Division, the salary change shall become effective the first (1st) day of the month following the date in which evidence is filed with the School Division.


1. Vocational Experience: Related work experience to be calculated from the time the Teacher received their journey person’s license or equivalent.

2. Effective July 1, 2024, the following provisions apply to new first time Vocational Teachers employed with a School Division in Manitoba. All other existing Vocational Teachers shall remain in the classification and step and progress as per the provisions of Article 2.07 Increments and Article 3.01 Salary Schedule.

3. Regardless of classification by the Department, Vocational Teachers who do not yet have their Technical Vocational Teaching Certificate shall be paid at Class 4.

4. Vocational Teachers shall be provided steps within this classification at one (1) increment for every one (1) year of practical experience so achieved in the particular field of expertise to a maximum of the last step of that classification.

5. It is incumbent on the Teacher to provide evidence to the School Division’s satisfaction of related work experience. Where possible, this experience must be vetted from a reliable source or certifying organization.

6. Uncertified Vocational Teachers are required to register in educational courses to obtain their teaching certification. The School Division shall provide a letter to this effect outlining the time period in which the Teacher is to achieve their certification.

7. Should a Teacher not meet the timelines, or fails to enroll in required courses, the School Division will deem this as a violation of the employment conditions and the Teacher may be terminated with just cause.

8. When a Vocational Teacher achieves their certification, they shall move into a higher classification (as per Article 2.02 Increased Qualifications). The Teacher, in their new classification will move to the pay step that is closest to their current annual salary without going down in annual salary.



If during the term of this Agreement, the salary of a Teacher, whose qualifications and experience do not permit them to be paid according to the classification in this schedule, the following provisions shall apply:

1. The School Division shall notify the Association of the irregular qualifications and the proposed rate(s) of pay or steps within a classification which will be applicable, and

2. The Employer Representative, along with a representative of the School Division and the Association and the Society shall meet as soon as possible to negotiate the applicable rate(s) of pay or steps within a classification to be incorporated in the Agreement, and

3. The Parties will attempt to reach agreement before any appointment is made hereunder, but if the School Division believes in its discretion that there is an urgent need to make an appointment before negotiations are concluded, the School Division may do so on the terms which it has proposed, and

4. In the event that the representatives of the Parties are unable to reach agreement, the School Division will establish the rate(s) of pay, and the matter will then be dealt with through the Article 5.13 Grievance Process.

5. In any case, salary, allowances and any other terms as agreed by the Parties or established by an arbitration board hereunder shall be effective from the date of the appointment(s).


Teaching experience gained while teaching on a Limited Teaching Permit, or Letter of Authority shall be recognized at the rate of one (1) increment for each year of such experience.


1. Where possible, Teachers will be provided digital information indicating their classification and placement on the classification scale. This may be done via a website portal or via digital payroll statement or by another form of digital communication.

2. For School Divisions who do not provide digital updates to Teachers, on or about the last teaching day of September of each year, each Teacher shall be provided with a statement outlining the placement of the Teacher, as per Article 3.01 Salary Schedule of the Agreement, effective at the commencement of that School Year.

3. Teachers hired after September 30th will receive the above notice within thirty (30) teaching days after commencement of teaching duties.

4. The onus is on a Teacher to verify that their classification and step is correct. In the event that there is a potential error, a Teacher will communicate in writing an error with their classification and/or pay step on their pay statement to the School Division. Upon review and confirmation by the School Division of an error by the School Division, a retroactive adjustment will be done.


1. Full Time Teachers:
Following a Teacher’s placement on the Salary Schedule in accordance with
Article 3.01 Salary

Schedule, a Teacher shall advance to the next higher increment step on the Salary Schedule upon Page 10 of 55

completion of the equivalent of ten (10) months of full-time teaching service, as recognized by the Department, until the maximum increment step is reached in that Teacher’s classification. The increment shall become effective on the first (1st) day of the month following the month in which the accumulation of ten (10) months occurs.

2. Part Time Teachers:

The teaching service of a part time Teacher shall be accumulated in the proportion of actual percentage of time employed in each School Year.

Following a part time Teacher’s placement on the Salary Schedule in accordance with Article 3.01 Salary Schedule, whenever a part time Teacher’s accumulated service equals the equivalent of ten (10) months of full time teaching service or more, as recognized by the Department, a part time Teacher shall advance to the next higher increment step on the Salary Schedule until the maximum increment step is reached in that Teacher’s classification. The increment shall become effective on the first (1st) day of the month following the month in which the accumulation of ten (10) months occurs.