
Collective Agreement

I. Timelines for Negotiations Package Preparation

A. November
– solicit ideas from association members, schools
– deadline for submission of proposals set by Negotiations Committee
– develop a negotiations package

– draft package presented to Special Council meeting for questions and answers; suggestions for consideration by the Negotiations Committee (May 8, 2003)
– Negotiations Committee reviews suggestions from Council and finalizes package (May 8, 2003)

– Council approves the negotiations package. (May 8, 2003)

B. That the timelines be well publicized.

II. The Council shall dispose of the Executive proposals for amendments to the Collective Agreement.

III. Where unusual or unexpected circumstances dictate the consideration of late addition(s) to the negotiations package, finalized at the special March Council meeting, that a majority vote by Council be required before the late addition(s) can be debated.

IV. Council shall be informed of the counter-proposals of the Division.

V. In order to apply for arbitration, the approval of the Council shall be required.

VI. Before an agreement is made between the Association and the Division, the approval of the membership shall be required. The only exception shall be an arbitrated settlement.

VII. The Collective Agreement shall be ratified by secret ballot of the members of the Association.

A. The Past-President shall be designated the Chief Ratification Officer. In the event that person is unable to fulfill these duties then the Executive shall appoint from among its members a Chief Ratification Officer.

B. Every member shall have the right to vote by secret ballot. No member shall be entitled to more than one vote.

C. When a person is a member of an electoral unit as defined by Council Policy E2 then that person shall vote in that electoral unit. Any member who may be employed in more than one electoral unit shall vote only in such electoral unit as the Chief Ratification Officer may designate in each case.

D. Any person not assigned an electoral unit shall receive his/her ballot by mail.

E. The first named representative in each electoral unit shall be designated Ratification Officer. In the event that person is unable to complete his/her duties then the Chief Ratification Officer shall appoint a Ratification Officer for that electoral unit. The Ratification Officer shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the ratification vote.

F. A minimum of one (1) informational meeting shall be held prior to the ratification vote. (May 8, 2003)

G. Ballots will be distributed to the electoral units and members as defined in C4 (C). Each member, including the Ratification Officer shall be entitled to vote by secret ballot.

H. Each ballot will enable a member to accept or to reject the Collective Agreement. Provision will be made to abstain from voting.

I. The Chief Ratification Officer shall designate the location to which the ballots shall be returned.

J. Any member may attend the counting of the vote provided prior written notice is given to the Chief Ratification Officer.

K. The dates for voting on ratification shall be determined by Executive.

L. The results of the ballots shall be sent to each electoral unit.

M. Ratification based on the majority of ballots cast.

VIII. Every electoral unit shall receive copies of the current Collective Agreement as follows:

– one for principal(s)
– one for office
– one for WTA representatives

and that copies be available to other members of the association on request from the WTA office.

IX. The Winnipeg Teachers’ Association shall not bargain a reduced salary and/or reduced benefits in exchange for a no lay-off provision. (Revised: October 22, 1991)